BlueGreen Technologies and 185-FS Portable Farrow Blasting Machine

Currently selling BlueGreen Technologies and all the Assets related to the business plus Qty. (1) FS185 Farrow System on the original Farrow System trailer with the Blast Pot, Saddle tanks & Compressor on the trailer, 12 pallets of Farrow Green Media, Spare Parts, Leads, Vendor with Walt Disney World, and all training associated with the system.
185-FS Portable Farrow Blasting Machine on a tandem axle trailer. 110-gallon water tanks on board, 185 CFM Airman Compressor, 1050 hours, towable unit, surge brakes, Farrow System 300 lb pot, and 65′ hose for blasting. Great to clean graffiti, fire hydrants, paint, classic cars, sidewalks with gum, restoration, remediation, boat bottoms, trailers, bikes, metals, fiberglass, pools, and trucks. Great for heavy-duty projects and industrial projects. Call for pricing.